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About the Simpson family

Homer J. Simpson is the father of the Simpson family, the "J" stands for Jay. He is 36 years old and is 6 feet tall. He works as a nuclear safety technician in sector 7-G. Homer has a fear of sockpuppets. "Raining Men" is Homer's favorite song. He is voiced by Dan Castellaneta.

Marge Simpson is the mom in the Simpson family. Her maiden name is Bouvier. She is 34 years old and has been to jail twice. She is about 4 feet and 3 inches, and her hair is one foot. Julie Cavner is the voice of Marge.

Bartholomew Jo-Jo Simpson is the only son and the oldest child, he is ten years old. He is a little over three feet.His first words were "Ay Carumba". He is allergic to butterscotch, immitation butterscotch and glow-in-the-dark make-up. Nancy Cartwright does the voice of Bart Simpson.

Lisa Marie Simpson is the middle child, she's eight years old. She is a little bit under three feet. She plays the saxaphone and her hero is Bleeding Gums Murphy. Her best friend is Janey. Yeardly Smith does the voice of Lisa.

Maggie Simpson is the youngest child, she is only one year old. She is about two feet tall. Her mortal enemy is Gerald, the unibrow baby. Liz Taylor does the voice of Maggie Simpson.

What are there real names?
  • Comic Book Guy's real name is Jeff Albertson
  • Krusty the clown's real name Hershal Krustofski
  • Fat Tony's real name is Anthony D'amico
  • Duff Man's real name is Barry Duffman
  • Radioactive Man's real name is Claude Kane III
  • Fallout Boy's real name is Rod Runtledge
  • The Sea Captain's real name is Horratio McAllister

Simpsons Ages

Mr. Burns is 104
Ned Flanders is 62
Comic Book Guy is 45
Barney Gumble is 40
Homer Simpson is 36
Marge Simpson is 34
Hans Moleman is 33
Bart Simpson is 10
Lisa Simpson is 8
Maggie Simpson is 1

My Letter To Simpsons Comics

I sent a letter to Simpsons Comics, made by Bongo Comics. They published it in the back of issue #105! I am very excited that they put it in. I copied the letter bellow:

My name is Alex, I'm 14 years old and I am a huge Simpson fan. My collection includes: Simpson Comics issues #5-8, 49, 51, 53-56, 91-102, Homer Simpson clock with rotating eyes, 2005 Simpsons calendar, (4) Simpsons posters, The Simpsons Jeopardy Game, Duff can with deck of cards on the inside, The Simpsons Monopoly, "The Simpsons and Philosophy" book, 1026-piece Simpsons jigsaw puzzle, Bart Simpson's Guide to Life book, The Simpsons: Loser Takes All board game, Homer Simpson Ornament, "The Homer" model car, Duff-man pin, The Simpsons Life board game, (16) 1.5 inch Simpsons bobbleheads, Homer Simpson Rubik's Cube, "Top Trumps" Simpsons playing cards, The Simpsons Magic 8 ball, (2) Simpsons Christmas DVDs, Krusty the Clown suction cup figure, Homer Simpson slippers, life-size cardboard cutouts of the Simpsons family, (4) Simpsons Pez dispensers, Simpsons trivia game and tin, skateboarding Bart Simpson figure, Bart Simpson watch, Homer Simpson rubber mask, Simpsons squishy ball, large pin of family, Simpsons soundtrack "The Yellow Album," 1000-piece puzzle of Homer, The Simpsons Group Photo card game, Cartooning With The Simpsons book.
via e-mail

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My theory for Springfield's state

Despite the fact that the Simpsons hometown has been declared as the city without a state, and Springfield USA, but it is still fun to try and figure out what state they may be in.

There is a Springfield in Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Vermont. And there is a Shelbyville, Springfield's neiboring and rival town, has a Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee. So that means that The Simpsons are living in either Illinois, Kentucky, or Tennessee.

In "Bart vs. Lisa vs. 3rd Grade", The Capitol City Goofball says, "Mr. Speaker, the time has come to redesign our state flag, this confederate symbol is an embarassment. Particularely as we are a northern state." So that means that they were not a confederate state. Tennessee was a confederate state, so it could not be in Tennessee. So that narrows it down to Springfield being in Kentucky or Illinois.

The Simpsons Politically

Democrats- Lisa Simpson, Diamond Joe Quimby

Republicans- Mr. Burns, Krusty the Clown, Rich Texan, Sideshow Bob, Dr. Hibbert, Ned Flanders

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