E-mail Me or Visit My Other Websites
Simpsons Home Page

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Some Extra Simpsons Info

Character Voices

Opening sequence

About Developers

My Collection

Simpson photos

New Upcoming episodes

Episode List

Simpson Songs

E-mail Me or Visit My Other Sites

Please e-mail me if you have any questions or suggestions for the site, or if you have any questions about the Simpsons, I would be glad to try and answer them. Or else if you want me to I can e-mail you some songs, if you ask specifically.

Also, if you e-mail me and ask for general information on a specific episode (not an original short), I can tell you guest stars, mistakes, what the episode is about, date that is was aired, writter, director, production code, episode number, and any songs that they sung and a link to listen to it. If you don't know what it is called, explain what happened and I will try to figure out which episode it is. You can see the name of the episode in the closing credits, on one of the last pages.


My E-mail Address
My Other Websites

www.beatlemania.00band.com Beatles website

www.chrisfarley.00movies.com Chris Farley website

www.antibush.00politics.com Anti-Bush website

www.uselessinfo.00go.com Useless Information website